Monday, June 15, 2009

Meeting of heads of the leading sectors of the economy

In America, today starts a three-day meeting of national leaders, mainly industries, to discuss the problem of preserving the competitiveness of American companies. "The Summit is a bold initiative to try to revive our economy, and consolidate its position in the weakening global market", - said Beth Chapll, president of Detroit Economic Club, which initiated the meeting. "We intend to bring together key business people from countries the government, heads of labor unions and leaders of academic centers, to create prerequisites for improving the competitiveness of United States in critical areas: technology, energy, ecology and production", - she added. Science will be the analogue of the annual World Economic Forum held in Switzerland. "The meeting will provide opportunities to exchange views leaders of industries that have a significant impact on the economy, about the prospects and the current government policy", - said Tom decares, vice-president of Deloitte LLC.

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