Above presented daytime schedule "Microsoft" (MSFT). Two examples of indicator "Form" can be seen in the chart - purple and green. Parameters for option, shown in purple below.
• Type of form - the kind of form that you would like to build. Selection includes ellipse, rectangle and X
• Repetition - this option is there if you would like to see your form repeated in the chart. Identical form to be duplicated by using a choice of horizontal and vertical intervals.
• Filling - if this option is marked, the form or forms to be filled by the same color as the form.
• Center coordinate - if this option is marked, the basic shape will be constructed around the center with the coordinates. If this option is not checked, it will be installed at the location of the lower left corner of the base form.
• Label - This option is valid only if the pattern repeats. If this option is checked, then each form will be marked with X, Y coordinates relative to the base form. For example, the form located on the left side of the base form will be marked with (-1, 0) while the form on the two positions above the base form will be marked (0, 2).
• Price - the price on which to build a basic form. When "The Center coordinates" checked, then the price will ask the vertical center of the base form, otherwise it will set the price lower edge of the base form.
• Date / Time - Date / time on which to build a basic form. When "The Center coordinates" checked, this setting the date / time will ask the horizontal center of the base form, otherwise it will set the option price / time of the left edge of the base form. Options

• Height - the height of the form in the U.S..
• width - width in the form of bars.
• Vertical spacing - vertical spacing between repeated forms in dollars. This option applies only if the option "repetition."
• Horizontal spacing - horizontal interval between repeated forms in bars. This option applies only if the option "repetition."
• Concentric multiplitsirovanie - if this option is highlighted, the box to the right, you can determine its value. These values will be used to build additional forms with the same center, but the height and width of the base form will be multiplied by the given value. For example, a value of 2 will lead to the construction of additional forms with the same center, but twice as much height and width than the base form, while the value of 0.5 results in building a more concentric form with a half-height and width of the base form.
• Vertical step - this option allows the user to define a vertical step, which will be used when testing the indicator's "Form", using the up and down arrows on the keyboard, as described below. This vertical step will be used to regulate the height, position and the vertical interval. If the value is not specified, the program will automatically install its own step, based on the price range chart.
Indicator Cycles price and time have been more appropriate name - the indicator "Forms", which was added as a separate button on the toolbar in the graphical package "Investor / RT". A separate button on the toolbar does much more than the addition of an indicator light "Forms" at the required location schedule. To do this you must first click on the button toolbar, and then the cursor will change to a pencil with a square next to it. Then we construct a rectangle on the graph around the area where you want to post the form. Once the form is located on the ground, it can be moved by moving a small point, which refers to either center or lower left corner of the form (depending on whether or not marked "Center coordinates" in the indicator). Recommended for use in indicator parameters "Form" to establish a combination of parameters to be used most often. To open the display settings to double-click on the small dot on the indicator "Form". Some people prefer a rectangle, while others may prefer a square or an ellipse. Someone wants to build a blue rectangle repeatedly, while others only a green ellipse. Once you have set your parameters, you need to make their default settings. To do this, once again, open the options window and select "Set Default". Now, every time you use the toolbar to add shape to your schedule will be raised by the default settings.
Indicator of the "Forms" is a flexible tool that allows you to build a repetitive, concentric and autonomous forms, which are cost-effective and time on the schedule. The basic form is located, based on a set of coordinates of the price and the date / time. These coordinates specify the lower left corner or center of the base form. The size of the form to specify the parameters of width and height. Height is given in dollars, while the breadth of uses bars. The basic shape can be constantly repeated throughout the schedule, because the option "repetition." Duplicate forms can be separated, both vertically and horizontally. The interval is defined by the parameters of "vertical intervals and horizontal interval. Interval 0 Condense shape in such a way that they would relate to each other. It can also be constructed in concentric multiplitsirovanie basic forms and repeated form.
To do this it should be noted option "concentric multiplitsirovanie" and to determine the multiplier that you'd like to use. As their name implies, concentric multiplitsirovannye forms have the same center as the base form. Multiplier determines how much will be increased or decreased the width of the base form.
If the display option "repetition", the basic shape will be shown a little bit brighter line than the other forms. When "The Center coordinates" is not checked, then the lower left corner of the base form will be marked by a small circle, representing the coordinates of the price and time on which the LED, otherwise center circle will be marked with the basic forms. It can be quite inconvenient to adjust the forms to the desired settings using the options window. This problem can be solved through the full control of the parameters directly from the keyboard.
Forex Magazine
based on www.linnsoft.com
based on www.linnsoft.com
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