Monday, June 15, 2009

DFK: Morning von slightly negative for the Russian stock market, we look forward to the opening with a negative gap of order -0.2% on MICEX index

Thursday for the Russian stock market has been relatively quiet. Day began with the formation of significant gepa, after which the price of a substantial part of the day traded on the values achieved.

The evening before the long weekend market rushed to the level of the closing Wednesday. Among the industries was not uniform dynamics: the market was again stronger than steel, and oil and gas industry. The banking and manufacturing sectors are under pressure sales, being leaders in the fall.

News background was quite crowded. An important fact is the reduction of key rates of Central Bank of Brazil to the level of 9.25% (10.25% value of the past, expected to decline to 9.5%). During the first quarter reached the final data for GDP in Japan - figure was slightly better expectations, falling to -3.8% relative to 1 quarter of 2008. In addition, left ezhedenelnaya monetary statistics of the Central Bank of Russian Federation. The monetary base increased to 3883.5 billion rubles, gold reserves - up to 409.5 billion USD (the previous value of 3857.4 billion rubles and 401.1 billion USD). In addition, the released information on applying for unemployment benefits for the previous week in the United States:

they amounted to 601 thousand

Morning von slightly negative for the Russian stock market, we look forward to the opening with a negative gap of order -0.2% on MICEX index.

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